My kids literally snack all day. I have to have my pantry filled or I hear “there’s nothing to eat” all day long. I have been on a mission to clean up our act and give my kids healthy snacks that don’t make them feel like they’re eating cardboard. My little taste testers have helped me make this list. I always read nutrition labels, and while nobody is perfect, I try to really get the best food in the little tummies here at my house. Check out my favorite healthy snack ideas for kids below!
1. Made Good Granola Bars

My kids love granola bars, and for years I just couldn’t find a healthy one that they actually would eat. I searched and was left empty handed. Then, a few months back, my sister mentioned this brand. They also make cookies and other sweet treats.
First off, they are peanut and tree nut free, organic, and they sneak vegetables in the bars. That’s a win for us moms!
I grabbed them at Whole Foods and have also seen them at Sprouts and Target. They are a favorite around here!
2. Pipcorn Heirloom Cheese Balls

Remember the good old fake cheddar cheese balls you would pop in your mouth and your hand was caked with orange yumminess?
I could eat a whole can in one sitting back in the day. Well, kids still love cheese balls but we just know better now. So I found a healthier version of cheese balls, and it’s such a yummy treat.
Love this brand, which can be found in most health food stores. This replaces the old version but still offers up the satisfaction!
3. Siete Kettle Cooked Potato Chips

Let me first start off by saying, this brand is by far my FAVORITE! Siete makes everything from taco seasoning, tortillas, tortilla chips, and cookies! I can’t say I have tried one product of theirs that I haven’t enjoyed.
They make everything grain free, and being a celiac that is huge for me! Their potato chips are a new product and come in different seasonings. I have had them all and they are to die for! I switched up the kids potato chips to these and they love them! Plus they are kettle cooked in avocado oil, such a score!
4. Mary’s Gone Crackers (Real Thin Crackers)

Growing up I loved wheat thins, fast forward years later and those no longer exist in my no gluten diet. My brother law and sister in law came over for a party one day and they brought cheese and crackers for an appetizer. They showed up with these crackers and I had never had them, instantly became obsessed.
My palette recognized the taste and brought back memories of the good ole days!
So I now buy these as our cracker option and we eat them with cheese and dip them in hummus. Gluten free or not these will be a hit with the family!
5. Lesser Evil Organic Popcorn

Popcorn is just such a great snack for the whole family! But, so many popcorns are made with bad oils. This brand came out with so many yummy flavors but my favorite is the Himalayan Gold. It taste like yummy movie theater popcorn without the yucky and bad oils and butter. It’s light, healthy and great for movies night!
6. Kirkland Organic Apple Sauce

Anniston has always loved applesauce from the time she was a baby and even today! But, you have to be careful because some apple sauce is filled up with other ingredients. So I was on the lookout for an option without added sugar, and low and behold I found them at Costco! I buy these and they are great in lunches or to throw in for her mid-morning snack.
7. 365 Organic Dried Mango

These are perfect to have in your pantry. I usually buy dried mango at Costco, but found these at Whole Foods in little bags. We eat these on beach days, pack them in school lunches, take them on fishing trips, and enjoy them as a midday snack! Again, you have to make sure there is no added sugar in dried fruit. It taste so good but you’re almost eating a chocolate chip cookie.
8. Quinn Peanut Butter Pretzel Nuggets

I love the mission of this company. A mother had a mission of cleaning up her favorite childhood snacks for her son Quinn. Not only are these gluten free, corn free, vegan, and dairy free but they’re made from real ingredients. We all love them, and I buy them at Whole Foods.
9. Perfect Bar Kids

The Perfect Bar comes in a big bar and snack size kid bars. Honestly, they are so easy for that quick rush in the morning breakfast or easy afternoon school snack. They fill up your belly and curb that sweet tooth. They have to be refrigerated and are enjoyed by the whole family. Little secret, go to Trader Joes and you will find them near the pre-packaged salads. They have their own flavor dedicated just for Trader Joes. It’s chocolate chip cookie dough, and it’s next level!
10. Bear Real Fruit Rolls

Fruit Roll-Ups were the big snack back in the day. My kids still love a good fruit snack. I was on the hunt for a fruit snack that was not loaded with extra sugar. Low and behold I was roaming the aisles of Costco one day and stumbled upon this brand. I was shocked to see that the ingredients were all fruit! It’s hard to find anything without extra sugar. I went back to grab another box weeks later and of course they were nowhere to be seen. Since then I have seen them at Whole Foods and Amazon! Bonus: they have super cute packaging and they come with stickers!
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